What is equine therapy and assisted learning?

Equine-assisted therapy (EAT) encompasses a range of treatments that involve activities with horses and other equines to promote human physical and mental health.


Horses are truly non- judgmental . This can help a person truly be themselves where people may not feel this is the case with  a person to person therapy session. Horses can also be a mirror of our own behaviour which can be a life changing experience for some people and help develop a greater self awareness and over come and cope with many issues.

Including ;Improving Self confidence, anxiety, depression, Overcome fear, Communication, Empowerment, Self awareness, Coping and decision making skills, Relief from burdens Ability to deal with grief/ bereavement


Research and trial studies have shown that generic skills based activities with horses, such as learning and using natural horsemanship skills, learning about horse behaviour, care, handling and grooming have helped to develop peoples skill levels.  These skills are transferable  to work skills as well as helping to reduce stress levels and reduce anti-social behaviours in certain client groups.

Clients report a range of developed skills which transfer to everyday life:

  • self esteem

  • assertiveness

  • Trust

  • Patience

  • Goal setting/ ambition

  • Goal achieving

  • Problem solving skills

  • Increased social skills

  • Anger management 
  • Healthy boundaries
  • Resilience 
  • Anxiety reduction 
  • Improved communication
  • Responding not reacting

Research shows Equine Therapy can work with those affected by addictions, emotional trauma (including PTSD and dissociative process), atypical behaviors, self-worth issues, abuse, eating disorders, learning difficulties, anxiety and depression.

Why Horses?

The horse embodies a metaphor of healing and their archetypal energy is recognised across cultures and civilizations. Equine Assisted Therapy is an intense therapy where powerful personal learning can take place in a non-threatening environment.

Here are a few reasons why:

Horses can put their 50 million years of successful existence down to healthy boundaries and expert communication on a non-verbal level. Engaging with them and our activities offer alternative ways of relating to the world around us.

  • As prey animals, horses have an instinctual fear of danger and can read the intentions of another from a great distance. This means they are able to accurately tell what we are really feeling – even if we are not yet aware of it. Thus, they act as a mirror to what is going on in our lives, giving instant, honest feedback which is a catalyst to our healing.
  • Horses are masters at self-regulation or the ability to ‘ground’ themselves after any difficulty or trauma. Being close to their calm energy can allow us to do the same, eventually incorporating this learning into our everyday life.
  • Due to their sheer size and physical presence the horse can incite different reactions and emotions from us depending upon our life experiences. This creates a natural opportunity to examine the power dynamics that exist within our relationships.
  • Horses are naturally curious, social creatures who do not worry about ego, looks or qualifications and have no ulterior motives. They stay in the present moment and provide unconditional acceptance, a major factor in the healing process.

Benefits of Equine 

Our sessions are catered to the individual to best suit yours needs. 

You don't need any previous experience of being around horses and involves no riding. 

For more information please give us a call or message 


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